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No surprises or premium leakages

Accurate property intelligence allows underwriters to continuously monitor property condition with up-to-date property intelligence and automated change detection — helping them avoid surprises at the time of renewal.
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Continuously monitor policies

A property’s condition and risk changes over time. The Betterview property intelligence and risk management platform ensures you are always informed about the latest developments to your insured policies.

Detailed property conditions

Current, high-resolution aerial imagery

Aerial imagery is captured in sub-3” GSD and refreshed up to 3x per year — providing valuable property insights for 87% of the U.S. population. This level of resolution and frequency provides the most up-to-date condition of a property prior to policy renewal.

When new imagery is available, Continuous Monitoring automatically detects changes in property conditions, such as increases in roof staining, missing shingles, Roof Spotlight Index, and more. This helps you easily identify potential issues before they become costly problems.

With Continuous Monitoring, you can avoid unexpected surprises at time of renewal. Stay informed about property changes that could impact coverage and premiums — like the addition of solar panels or a swimming pool.

Complete property reports

Continuous Monitoring tracks peril event reports (e.g., hail, wind, snow, or wildfires) and permit records. This allows underwriters to readily scan a property’s history and understand the sequence of events — even between aerial imagery updates — ensuring a complete and accurate risk assessment.

Underwrite without going onsite

In-person property inspections can cost $200+. Powered by high-resolution imagery, the Betterview platform reduces these costs by enabling remote desktop inspections. Only send inspections to properties with significant roof deterioration and automatically renew policies with no changes.


“The Betterview platform is fast, accurate, and cost-effective. Not only have they reduced our inspection costs, but they continue to provide exceptional value beyond what we have seen before from any Insurtech partner.”

Shawn Kain, SVP & Chief Underwriting Officer, Utica FirstRead the Case Study

Our property intelligence. Your workflows.

You can streamline operations and reduce underwriting time.

Data API

Seamless integration with your policy workflows

Analytics UI

Surfaces property risk drivers

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Streamlines user experience & access control

Core system integration

Instant access to our intel within your core system

External data warehouse

Enables full analysis of your portfolio

PDF property profiles

On-demand sharable property profiles

Renew with confidence

Property intelligence helps streamline underwriting renewals by automatically identifying changes and monitoring ongoing events.

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