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Quote with confidence

Ensure the most accurate and fair quotes for your prospects with leading property intelligence powering your decisions.
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Data-driven speed and accuracy

Leverage preprocessed AI detections, a Roof Spotlight Index, and over 2,500 third-party geospatial datapoints per property to provide accurate direct-to-consumer quotes and improve the customer experience.

See the current property condition

Freshly updated, high-resolution aerial Imagery

Aerial imagery is captured in sub-3” GSD and refreshed up to 3x per year — providing valuable property insights for 87% of the U.S. population. This level of resolution and frequency allows you to quote with confidence from your desktop. 

130+ AI detections — including roof material, roof condition, and property condition — as well as Roof Age provide a complete picture of the current state of the property, so you can adjust the premium or deductible accordingly.

Accurate quotes at the first touch

Instant response times

By analyzing the most recent imagery with AI, the Betterview platform delivers pre-filled property insights, including roof condition, roof material, roof shape, and more via an API — with results in under a second.

Replace regional and zip code data with property-level intelligence for greater insights into a property’s risk factors.

“Rather than just relying on physical inspections, our quoting process now includes a reliable, fully remote view of property risk in the Betterview platform. This benefits us, and it is also helpful for our agents and a better experience for policyholders. Everyone wins with a more transparent understanding of property condition and risk.”

Eric W. Neely, Vice president of Commercial Lines, Stillwater

Our property intelligence. Your workflows.

Data API

Seamless integration with your policy workflows

Analytics UI

Surfaces property risk drivers

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Streamlines user experience and access control

Core system integration

Instant access to our intel with your core system

External data warehouse

Enables full analysis of your portfolio

PDF property profiles

On-demand sharable property profiles

Optimize your quoting

Property intelligence helps you streamline quoting and the quote-to-bind process.

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