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Locally sourced ground truth

Secure a smarter, more sustainable future with continuously updated, insight-rich, multi-dimensional location intelligence that provides maximum insights for local governments.
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Local data for local needs

Get the most comprehensive and current location intelligence to empower your team as they work to meet the unique needs of your community. From infrastructure management and urban planning to emergency response, location intelligence makes it easier to facilitate the wellbeing of your residents.

The future of government GIS starts here

Keep pace with sprawling suburbs

Track fast-sprawling developments with frequently updated building characteristic and construction site datasets. And with detailed views of private and public infrastructure, you can easily identify compliance, repair and upgrade requirements as your community changes.

Identify vegetation cover in residential or industrial areas with our automated AI-powered insights. Go back in time to understand growth or loss trends, determine where shading is required, and identify potentially illegal tree removal.

Understanding the impact of a planned build is an urban planning non-negotiable. With the most accurate aerial data, you can quickly analyze land use, optimize zoning, and streamline environmental management decisions.

Boost your resilience

Assess and triage disasters

From coordinating and mapping routes for response crews to assessing damage on the ground, deploy the right resources quicker with Nearmap ImpactResponse — offering the critical details you need to respond, repair, and recover sooner.

Mitigate disaster impact by engaging with communities through powerful insights. Harness 10+ years of historical pre- and post-catastrophe imagery, AI datasets (revealing vegetation, surface permeability, and building footprints), and elevation mastery. Use city-wide 3D, DSM, and DEM content to model flood impact, determine fire risk, and more.

Next-level efficiency

Save time and money

Reduce unnecessary site visits with remotely accessible views of your entire district that are far more detailed and current than satellite imagery, and enriched with AI datasets and measurement tools.

Not technical? No problem

Non-technical teams can quickly access imagery in MapBrowser, while GIS teams can integrate post-cat surveys into their preferred third-party application in minutes.

We go where you are

Export data instantly and use it within your preferred third-party applications. Save time with our easy KML import to better understand exact project site boundaries.

“Every team within our Community Development Department - which includes Community Enhancement and Safety, Public Works, Engineering, Building and Safety, Planning - all use Nearmap on a daily basis.”

Miguel Ramirez-Cornejo, Economic Development Senior Management Analyst, City of Eastvaletestimony-logo

“While 3D Urban models or propsoed buildings are useful, combining them with Nearmap 3D mesh gives people a true understanding of a project.”

Lauri Sohl, Civic Analytics Manager, City of Sioux Fallstestimony-logo
Leading organizations trust Nearmap for our location intelligence

Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions with more control than ever before.View Integrations & APIs

Products for local government

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Access the location intelligence you need to provide the future your community deserves

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