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Real-world data for realistic designs

Accurate site intelligence gives engineers a precise canvas on which to evaluate and create infrastructure concepts and powers designs with real-world context of a project’s current environment.
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Nearmap imagery against survey linework

Better data. Smarter designs.

Location intelligence provides engineers with a complete understanding of the built environment. This informs better designs and project decisions. With added context, including information above and below the ground, project teams have the insights they need to develop and execute successful designs.

Higher resolution. Lower confusion.

Reduce design time and rework

Poor data leads to poor designs — and often results in costly rework. Nearmap location intelligence is proactively captured up to 3x per year and is rendered in the highest-resolution, so your team can create designs with unparalleled pixel quality and data accuracy. 

Elevate your designs with AI-based geospatial features, including building footprints, utility poles, permeable surfaces, and more to understand how your project fits in the existing environment. 

Design engineers can leverage 3D models to visualize their concepts and make updates before construction begins. This allows teams to reduce the risk of errors and effectively improve the overall success of their project.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Up-to-date site intelligence makes it easy to visualize your design against the current built environment for deeper insights into project sites. Further, historic surveys give you the ability to analyze change over time and gain valuable context.

“Sometimes, Nearmap removes the need to visit a site entirely. If we do walk a site, we can collaborate on the same project as a team and publish updates.”

Dave Walters GIS Manager, CBBELView Customer Story

“3D data and aerial imagery help us get the most information we need for a project without ever having to go on-site. I can see things that previously required lots of time in the field to understand. It's a much better way of working.”

Justin Racelis, Civil Engineer and BIM Specialist, StantecView Customer Story

“Nearmap Gives us high-resolution imagery 2-3 times a year, it decreases our costs, and reduces our effort to get [drone survey] approvals. It increases our efficiency, which is what were about here at Wallbridge.”

John Jurewicz, Director of Innovation, WalbridgeView Customer Story
Leading companies trust Nearmap for our site intelligence

Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

The design solution

High-resolution imagery and powerful AI data can help you streamline design processes, reduce errors, and elevate project execution.

Get started today

See how accurate site intelligence can elevate your construction designs

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