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Unlock your network’s full potential

Enhance the performance and reliability of your network with comprehensive GIS for telecommunication workflows — from design to maintenance and expansion.
See What's Possible

Connectivity beyond compare

Reach more customers with a more informed and responsive service. From city-scale 3D content for accurate viewshed analysis, to automated property feature identification for proactive network risk identification, we've got it covered.

Plan, design, and scale with with GIS mapping for telco

Seamlessly expand your network

Optimise device placement with elevation profiles, viewshed analysis, and Fresnel equations derived from best-in-class 3D digital surface models.

Identify where density is increasing, assess new infrastructure requirements, and capture your growing market with hi-res current and historical imagery covering up to 95% of the population.

Accurately determine which service best suits a particular region — from mobile and fixed fibre to satellite — with aircraft-captured location intelligence.

Optimise your 5G future

Enhance connectivity and coverage with accurate 3D model-based line-of-sight studies. Use high-res aerial imagery to inspect street furniture and property in unparalleled detail. Determine optimal wire placement, tower positioning, and locations for new equipment within existing networks with data-backed confidence.

Reduce risk, stay connected

Cut out vegetation encroachment

Identify vegetation intrusion early and often with rapid, AI-powered feature identification and highest quality aerial content.

Ensure transmission continuity, detect broken insulators, and inspect tower integrity to determine maintenance requirements all from the comfort of your desk. With remotely accessible, high resolution location intelligence covering up to 95% of the population.

Before stepping foot on site, combine the power of extreme clarity and multi-perspective views with comprehensive AI insights to determine access points, identify site hazards, allocate resources accurately and more.

“Makes my job easy by checking the history of the properties over last few years, and gives me a proof to support my findings for any particular issue.”

Nearmap Telco Customer

“Imagery is clear for a lot of the urban areas and you can check for property changes on new development sites via a timeline that is not available in other imagery systems.”

Nearmap Telco Customer
Telecommunication organisations trust Nearmap for location intelligence

Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

Products for telco utilities

Best-in-class asset planning, management, and maintenance starts with the truth on the ground.

Get started today

Gain location intelligence perspectives to transform your results.

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