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AI-powered location intelligence

View AI vector data to understand locations and make smarter decisions about specific features, materials, and conditions.
See a Demo

Save hours with AI data

Work more efficiently every day with fast, automatic identification of 100+ AI data layers, covering up to 95% of the population.

Leverage AI insights

Work smarter with AI packs containing the AI data layers you need, from surfaces to vegetation, roof condition and more.

Export and integrate

Export AI vector layers for use in other platforms or integrate via our near-instantaneous transactional API.


Explore 100+ AI layers

Find fast insights with over 100 Nearmap AI data layers revealing features including discarded tyres; solar panels; surface types, permeability and markings; roof condition, types, materials, and shape; roof objects, and more. 

Dig deeper with AI data

Need specific information quickly at a suburb, state or national level? Choose one of 15 ready-to-use Nearmap AI data packs to fit your business, for faster and more accurate insights at scale.

Refreshed with every Nearmap capture

Nearmap AI is refreshed with every Nearmap survey flown, available in high-resolution vertical imagery covering up to 95% of the Australian population.


AI Feature API: focus on the details

With Nearmap AI export credits, extract a single building at a specific location, or even at a neighbourhood or suburb level, from the Nearmap Vector map.


Enrich your data with AI Parcel Export

Export credits give you the freedom to choose which data set to export, and when. Extract up to 1 million AI Parcels at a time, each with .gpkp and .csv file outputs, and MapBrowser links for source verification.

Gain deeper location insights with GeoAI

Leverage Nearmap AI features with geospatial data and processes to uncover GeoAI solutions like city-wide pavement rating, surface permeability reporting and more.

Streamline workflows with AI insights

Identify and mitigate property risk, accelerate quoting, improve insurance underwriting and inspection efficiency, and deliver a more transparent policyholder experience with the Betterview property intelligence and risk management platform.


Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs
Leading companies trust Nearmap for our location intelligence

“Having that level of information before you actually do that first site visit is really important… it’s just so revealing, it’s like being on site, it takes it to another level.”

Dino Scotter, Spatial Applications Developer, Sydney Water testimony-logo

“Nearmap imagery is one source of truth that allows us to understand many attributes about a property that standard data sources may not catch. Recent AI imagery from Nearmap allows us to review the insights against the analytics and truly understand the property’s condition.”

Adam Sturt, SVP of Data and Analytics, Kin Insurancetestimony-logo

Use cases

Insurance insights

Don’t leave policyholders waiting! Output faster risk assessments and claims verified with the speed and accuracy of AI-powered imagery insights.

Government services

Maintain compliance by monitoring built-world changes while also managing public works, assessment and taxation, and transport planning.

View government

Solar planning

Optimise solar prospects, installations and PV placement with precise AI data for accurate site identification, assessment and monitoring.

View solar

Utility networks

Improve GIS data with accurate AI-based utility asset locations, understand vegetation growth and risk, and monitor road encroachments.

View utilities

Property assets

Leverage up-to-date AI data to enhance the way you understand the condition and deterioration of capital assets.

View assessment

Design and build

Increase the ROI on engineering procurement and construction by delivering projects that positively impact urban design and development.

View AEC

Get started today

Explore AI-powered location intelligence

Try Nearmap AI