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Bring us your challenge

Ready to turn location intelligence into insights you can work with? Drop your details into the form and we’ll set up a time to run through what you could achieve with Nearmap.

Why Nearmap?

Higher definition than satellite maps

Get unrivaled clarity, precision, and fine features that are several times sharper than free satellite imagery.

Recent and regular imagery

Nearmap captures multiple times per year, with new aerial imagery processed and streamed for on-demand access.

AI data layers

Power your decision-making with AI recognition software — a regularly updated vectorised map with verifiable location insights.

Integrate with platforms and workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations using our APIs.

Cloud based applications

Instantly stream aerial imagery and location intelligence to any connected device with MapBrowser and Betterview.

Measure from multiple angles

Measure aerial views with line, area, radius, height, width, and roof pitch or multiple areas.

“Having that level of information before you actually do that first site visit is really important… it’s just so revealing, it’s like being on site, it takes it to another level.”

Dino Scotter, Spatial Applications Developer, Sydney Water testimony-logo

“If I had to do this job again and I didn't have access to MapBrowser, I don't know what I would do. Having a tool like this means I can get all the detail and information I need, as accurately as possible.”

Esther Lang, Senior Project Engineer, Airports & Specialised Pavements, Downertestimony-logo