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Respond sooner, recover faster.

Improve your response efforts with our rapid post-catastrophe data. We capture the relevant insurance claims insights you need to act faster so you can help your customers recover sooner.
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Create happier customers with quicker claims

Streamline your claims experience with reliable property intelligence. Accurately and rapidly respond to claims with a complete view of a property’s condition (including current and historic imagery comparisons). Confidently respond to legitimate losses and mitigate fraudulent claims.

Immediate post-catastrophe coverage

Nearmap ImpactResponse collects high-resolution (sub-3” per pixel) aerial imagery in an event’s immediate aftermath. Captures are usually available within 24-48 hours of a catastrophe’s landfall. This level of speed and detail accelerates the claims management process.

Better CAT response

Better resource allocation

Strategically stage your claims response teams, such as loss adjusters, in areas with a high number of predicted damage properties — before damage happens. After the damages, triage the impacted policies and prioritise resources for properties that have been greatly effected or have complex claims.

With Nearmap ImpactResponse, post-cat imagery is often available within 24-48 hours. Combined with our damage AI, you can proactively reach out to customers and jump-start the claims process before the first notice of loss — without needing costly boots-on-the-ground. 

Automatic damage detections of individual properties in your portfolio allow for a more accurate and immediate understanding of real damages and losses. No more waiting for damage assessment. No more guessing. A more accurate budget and reserve enable faster claims payments and settlements, which leads to lowered loss-adjustment expenses.

“Nearmap provides us the solution we need to maximise our resources and provide the greatest benefit to our communities.”

National Director, Disaster Relief Australia

Fast CAT data for faster response times

Streamline your claims and post-catastrophe inspections with rapid impact intelligence.

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See how our property intelligence can elevate your quoting process.

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