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Mapping construction

AI and aerial maps for new developments

Nearmap AI data helped SEMCOG, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, identify buildings missing from its inventory.

“This is a very useful feature as we do our forecasting work, as we can show both the present environment in 3D, thanks to Nearmap, and also the future, based on what we are able to do with ArcGIS Urban.”

Jeff NuttingForecast Coordinator, Southeast Michigan Councils of Governments
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) is a regional planning partnership of governmental units serving 4.8 million people in the seven-county region of Southeast Michigan. SEMCOG supports planning in transit, road, water and sewer infrastructure, economic and workforce development.

The Challenge

Maintaining regional buildings inventory

SEMCOG uses data to plan for the successful future of the region. Long-range planning work revolves around forecasting future changes to individual buildings projecting 30 years into the future — mainly looking for the number of households or job spaces within a building — using the buildings inventory dataset. SEMCOG applies Nearmap AI to detect buildings, monitor land use change, and identify where infrastructure improvements are needed.

The Solution

Maintaining regional buildings inventory

SEMCOG integrated Nearmap high-resolution aerial imagery into its existing inventory and geocoded building permits to parcels, intersecting the Nearmap AI building footprints data layer with building permit locations. Polygons are attributed from tax assessing records and added to the region’s buildings inventory. With historical imagery, SEMCOG can see how communities develop over time.

Business Impact

3,452 unknown buildings identified

Using Nearmap AI building footprints, SEMCOG captured 3,452 previously unknown buildings in two years. Viewing new building construction data using Nearmap 3D reality models in ArcGIS Urban, SEMCOG can compare the size of new buildings to those built in the past. Identifying the trend towards fewer but larger commercial buildings, SEMCOG can help define the region’s future land-use policy.

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