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Win more with smarter solar workflows

Empower faster solar prospecting, quotes, accurate designs and installations with an intelligent view of your entire market.
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Fewer site visits, bigger profits

Prospect an entire region for solar leads in minutes and measure virtually to deliver accurate quotes — all while your competitors are still driving to initial site visits.

Grow your business faster

Prospect new customers

Combine the power of frequently updated imagery, historical content, and AI data to identify opportunities to grow your business — such as homes with swimming pools and no solar panels and in booming suburbs.

Fast-track estimates for material and labour costs, and finalise quotes over the phone with accurate remote assessments, roof measurements, and solar outputs.

Quickly integrate our data with your platform of choice via intuitive APIs. Create custom bespoke solutions to better serve millions of customers with tailored solar designs.

“With Nearmap, all the necessary information is in one easy-to-use program. We can decide if the property is suitable for solar within two to three minutes. The high resolution captures reveal roof space, shading, and any obstructions so we can make accurate, timely assessments.”

Program Manager, Sales Proposal Development at Momentum Solartestimony-logo
Leading solar innovators trust Nearmap for property intelligence

Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create custom bespoke solutions with more control than ever before.Integrations & APIs

Products for solar

Get started today

Replace endless, costly site visits with winning more solar business.

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